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AllicinV & AllicinM - Patent Pending Garlic Processed Food Product

Powerful Dietary Protection Against Respiratory Infections caused by Coronaviruses, Bacteria, Influenza, Misc. Viruses, and More. Dietary Enhancement of Cardiovascular and Cancer Health

Welcome to AllicinV,

Discover the power of AllicinV and AllicinM, advanced garlic processed food formulated with stabilized Allicin, DADS, and DATS using a patent pending methodology. These potent compounds provide natural protection against respiratory infections including coronaviruses, bacteria, influenza, and other spike protein outer membrane pathogens. Allicin, DADS, and DATS has been shown to combat Cancer and Tumorigenesis by inhibiting Telomerase and the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in the Scientific literature. Allicin is most well known to contribute to Cardiovascular health, including blood pressure reduction.

Innovative AllicinV Technology

Our US Patent Pending technology ensures rapid bioavailability and maximum potency of Allicin, DADS, and DATS, making AllicinV and AllicinM the most effective garlic processed foods available. The FDA recognizes food processed using safe ingredients as Generally Accepted Safe (GRAS). AllicinV and AllicinM are GRAS products.

AllicinV can be used to coat the entire surface of the lungs in ~1 millisecond which is in excess of 100,000,000x faster than any oral food, medication, or supplement can be digested in the GI tract and absorbed into the blood by the digestion process. Not to mention that Allicin is digested in your GI tract and never makes it to the surface of the lungs when consumed orally. This allows Allicin to be delivered to your blood, heart, and brain through the pulmonary tract and the circulatory system. This capability allows dietary treatment of the areas most impacted by pathogens that take the same path during respiratory infections to be treated with the speed required to contribute to your health. The capability to deliver Allicin, DADS, and DATS to the circulatory system at that rapid of a rate allows you to contribute to dietary health related to Cardiovascular and Cancer conditions that are quickly reachable via the blood and circulatory system. Allicin has been shown to destroy Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) bacteria and shut down SARS Cov2 growth in published laboratory studies. AllicinM is a garlic processed food product designed for topical applications on the ear, nose, throat, mouth, tooth, scalp, or skin.


What makes AllicinV special with the Spike protein regarding monoclonal antibody production by the spleen and learned immunity?

All 63,577 Coronaviruses in GENBANK (3/14/2025) have conserved disulfide bridges between Cysteine amino acids shown in yellow spheres in the image of the Spike Protein trimer below.

SARS Cov2 Spike Protein

Allicin shown in the top right of the Spike Protein image breaks these disulfide bridges. In doing so the Spike Protein will break open and expose itself to the immune system. The immune system will then make monoclonal antibodies to the exposed targets. Learned immunity to these new antibody targets occurs. Allicin is ~100 Angstroms in size and can do this easily because it is so small it can navigate the glucose sugar coating of the Spike Protein that typically blocks antibodies from working properly. The body does not make antibodies towards Glucose because that is a molecule used for energy processing by the body. Making antibodies towards Glucose would be bad for the body in many ways. This is one of the reasons that problems can occur when the body tries to make monoclonal antibodies to Glycosylated Spike Proteins from viruses like Coronavirus.

Allicin ruptures the Coronavirus capsid by breaking the Coronavirus Envelope Proteins holding the viral capsid together to shield the RNA code of the virus (below).

SARS Cov2 Envelope Protein

There is only one disulfide bridge on each Coronavirus Envelope Protein. The Envelope Protein is not glucose sugar coated and is exposed to the surroundings. When the capsid ruptures the RNA will immediately be exposed to the environment on the surface of the lungs, mucus membranes, skin, etc. and it will immediately be digested by RNA-ases. At that point the viral capsid can infect a human cell, but it will not result in viral infection, because the RNA code for the virus has been destroyed.

What happens if I am infected by either the virus or I took the vaccine and got transfected by mRNA or plasmid DNA vectors for Spike Proteins?

Allicin is permeable to human cell walls and can enter into the cell where it will inhibit viral protein folding into 3D structures by keeping the disulfide bridges that give spike proteins their structures. As the 2D Spike or Envelope protein is translated from the mRNA on the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (shown below) the Allicin will break the disulfide bridges before the protein can fold properly in the Golgi body. This ultimately results in the cell recovering or being cleaned up by the immune system.

SARS Cov2 Protein Translation Inhibition

What role does absorbable Selenium play?

Selenium is shown here, because the Scientific literature covering Dr. Ethan Taylor's work has proven that the presence of Selenocysteine from absorbable Selenium in food from the soil or by supplements invokes a UGA stop code failure that results in slowed protein translation kinetics. This is universally functional for DNA operating system hijack. The value add of the use of Selenium helps to improve the functionality of the Allicin to block the Biochemistry of the viral hijack of the cell. In addition you get Selenocysteine injection into the Cysteine position that also can slow 3D folding of viral proteins. A male would take 200mcg of Selenium a day, and a female should take 100mcg. Do not overdose on Selenium supplements! Consult a Physician if you need too. A Brazil nut typically has 50mcg of absorbable Selenium. The OTC supplements are cheaper and more reliable sources of Selenium. An example of how Selenocysteine regulated the UGA stop codon per publication by Dr. Ethan Taylor et. al is shown below for HIV and for Covid19, SARS Cov2.

Viral Protein Translation Inhibition with Selenium

There are many brands of absorbable Selenium. Puritans Pride is one such reliable brand.

You can measure the success of using the AllicinV product in terms of dietary health consumption with several 3rd party tests that any Physician can prescribe. See our section on 3rd party tests available on the market today.

Detoxing from an illness is one thing. Sometimes there can be tissue damage that is either long or short term. Loss of smell & taste, Myocarditis, baldness, metabolic distress, Asthma, tinnitus, brain fog, dementia, nerve damage, etc. Recovering from this kind of damage requires proper nutrition in order for your STEM cells to have an opportunity to rebuild tissues. This process is slow and not always efficient. Long term damage from tissue remodeling and inflammatory conditions can remain even after you have fully detoxed of a pathogen. There are a number of supplements that can assist you in this effort. We typically discuss those in our social media thread. You should always seek insight from your Physician or a Dietitian regarding your medical health and supplementation. The importance of shielding your lungs from respiratory infections 3-4x a day greatly reduces the probability of getting infected by a respiratory pathogen and having to deal with the conditions resulting from illness. You don't have to take our words for verbatim. Listen to the testimonials of our customers relative to their health reflected by their medical records.

Shop for AllicinV & AllicinM Products

Visit our online store to purchase AllicinV and AllicinM today. Explore our range of garlic processed food products designed to boost respiratory health and immune support.

Customer Testimonials

Hear from satisfied customers who trust AllicinV and AllicinM for natural respiratory protection and immune support. Dietary health affiliated with Cardiovascular and Cancer health.

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About AllicinV & AllicinM

AllicinV was created by a PhD in Chemistry with expertise in Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Molecular Genetics. Dr. Perez struggled 47 years of his life with chronic respiratory infections that led to the consumption of antibiotics and other medications that caused side effects. He had an ear infection in June 2019 that led to the development of aerosol technology to treat respiratory infections. In the Fall of 2019 he got Covid19 and improved this technology to treat the lungs instantly using Allicin in a real gas. On March 23rd, 2020 a US Patent filing with the technology was filed. Dr. Perez healed from a terrible Long Covid experience that nearly suffocated him from Asthma by July 15th, 2020, and survived. He brought the AllicinV product to market to help others who have had these experiences in life. Here is the "True Story of How AllicinV Came to Be."

Interviews on AllicinV


The cottage food product cure to bacterial respiratory infections with AllicinV 12/19/2024


Int 899 with Dr. John Scott Perez AllicinV Vape and alternative energy creator 10/19/2024






Int 759 with AllicinV Vape and alternative energy creator Dr John Scott Perez 5/13/2024




Interview 575 with Dr Kevin W McCairn & Dr. John Scott Perez 9/25/2023


The Missing Link Interview 494 with John Scott Perez 6/20/2023

How to Contact Us

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Diagnostic 3rd Party Testing: (Always talk with your Physician)

Premier Heart

I want my heart tested for viral inflammation with the world's best noninvasive AI Cardiovascular technology known. Find out how to have your heart tested by the FDA 510k and ISO 13485 certified Multifunction Cardiogram (MCG) technology with 95%+ accuracy by emailing Premier Heart at  Learn about Premier Heart at

Quest Diagnostics

I want to get tested to see if my body is making antibodies to Spike Proteins from SARS Cov2 viruses or vaccines. These are typically IGG and IGM antibodies. Quest Diagnostics can perform one such test allowing you to track your state SARS Cov2 Antibody Testing.

I want to get tested to see if my body's immune system is fighting something in my blood. Quest Diagnostics can perform one such test allowing you to track your white and red blood cell count state. The complete blood count (CBC) test measures essential components of the blood to help your healthcare professional monitor or diagnose various health conditions (eg, anemia, blood disorders, infections, inflammation) CBC Test.


You will find that there are many 3rd parties that can offer Diagnostic testing like LabCorp, etc. These are all standard clinical tests to help people understand their health. Ask your Physician about them.






© 2014 CannDetect, LLC. All rights reserved.

US Patent Pending 17/210,366

Note: AllicinV and AllicinM are Florida Cottage Food products. Made in a cottage food operation that is not subject to Florida’s food safety regulations.